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[晨韵英语] 晨韵推荐:【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第四十一章(2)

发表于 2013-7-17 09:52:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 左耳@一块洞 于 2015-8-4 13:09 编辑 <br /><br />   The rapture of Lydia on this occasion, her adoration of Mrs. Forster, the delight of Mrs. Bennet, and the mortification of Kitty, are scarcely to be described. Wholly inattentive to her sister's feelings, Lydia flew about the house in restless ecstacy, calling for everyone's congratulations, and laughing and talking with more violence than ever; whilst the luckless Kitty continued in the parlour [w=repine]repining at her fate in terms as unreasonable as her accent was peevish.丽迪雅这时候是怎样欢天喜地,她对于弗斯脱太太是怎样敬慕,班纳特太太又是怎样高兴,吉蒂又是怎样难受,这些自然不在话下。在屋子里跳来蹦去,叫大家都来祝贺她,大笑大叫,比往常闹得越发厉害;倒运的吉蒂却只能继续在小客厅里怨天尤命,怪三怪四。
     "I cannot see why Mrs. Forster should not ask me as well as Lydia," said she, "though I am not her particular friend. I have just as much right to be asked as she has, and more too, for I am two years older."“我不明白弗斯脱太太为什么不叫我和丽迪雅一同去,”她说,“即使我不是她特别要好的朋友,又何妨也邀我一同去。照说我比她大两岁,面子也得大些呢。”
     In vain did Elizabeth attempt to reasonable, and Jane to make her resigned. As for Elizabeth herself, this invitation was so far from exciting in her the same feelings as in her mother and Lydia, that she considered it as the death-warrant of all possibility of common sense for the latter; and detestable as such a step must make her were it known, she could not help secretly advising her father not to let her go. She represented to him all the improprieties of Lydia's general behaviour, the little advantage she could derive from the friendship of such a woman as Mrs. Forster, and the probability of her being yet more imprudent with such a companion at Brighton, where the temptations must be greater than at home. He heard her attentively, and then said,伊丽莎白把道理讲给她听,吉英也劝她不必生气,她都不理睬。再说伊丽莎白,她对于这次邀请,完全不象她母亲和丽迪雅那样兴高采烈,她只觉得丽迪雅纵然还没有糊涂到那种地步,这一去可算完全给毁了。于是她只得暗地里叫她父亲不许丽迪雅去,也顾不得事后让丽迪雅知道了,会把她恨到什么地步。她把丽迪雅日常行为举止失检的地方,都告诉了父亲,说明和弗斯脱太太这样一个女人做朋友毫无益处,跟这样的一个朋友到白利屯去,也许会变得更荒唐,因为那边的诱惑力一定比这里大。父亲用心听她把话讲完,然后说道:
     "Lydia will never be easy till she has exposed herself in some public place or other, and we can never expect her to do it with so little expense or inconvenience to her family as under the present circumstances."“丽迪雅非到公共场所之类的地方去出一出丑,是决不肯罢休的。她这次要去出丑,既不必花家里的钱,又用不着家里麻烦,真难得有这样的机会呢。”
     "If you were aware," said Elizabeth, "of the very great disadvantage to us all, which must arise from the public notice of Lydia's unguarded and imprudent manner; nay, which has already arisen from it, I am sure you would judge differently in the affair."伊丽莎白说:“丽迪雅那样轻浮冒失,一定会引起外人注目,会使我们姐妹吃她的大亏──事实上已经吃了很大的亏──你要是想到了这一点,那你对这桩事的看法就会两样了。”
     "Already arisen!" repeated Mr. Bennet. "What, has she frightened away some of your lovers? Poor little Lizzy! But do not be cast down. Such squeamish youths as cannot bear to be connected with a little absurdity are not worth a regret. Come, let me see the list of the pitiful fellows who have been kept aloof by Lydia's folly."“已经使你们吃了大亏!”班纳特先生重复了一遍。“这话怎么说:她把你们的爱人吓跑了不成?可怜的小丽萃呀,甭担心。那些经不起一点儿小风浪的挑三剔四的小伙子。因为看见了丽迪雅的放荡行为,而不敢向你们问津?”
     "Indeed you are mistaken. I have no such injuries to resent, It is not of peculiar, but of general evils, which I am now complaining. Our importance, our respectability in the world, must be affected by the wild volatility, the assurance and disdain of all restraint which mark Lydia's character. Excuse me -- for I must speak plainly. If you, my dear father, will not take the trouble of checking her exuberant spirits, and of teaching her that her present pursuits are not to be the business of her life, she will soon be beyond the reach of amendment. Her character will be fixed, and she will, at sixteen, be the most determined flirt that ever made herself and her family ridiculous. A flirt, too, in the worst and meanest degree of flirtation; without any attraction beyond youth and a tolerable person; and from the ignorance and emptiness of her mind, wholly unable to ward off any portion of that universal contempt which her rage for admiration will excite. In this danger Kitty is also comprehended. She will follow wherever Lydia leads. -- Vain, ignorant, idle, and absolutely uncontrolled! Oh! my dear father, can you suppose it possible that they will not be censured and despised wherever they are known, and that their sisters will not be often involved in the disgrace?"“你完全弄错了我的意思。我并不是因为吃了亏才来埋怨。我也说不出我究竟是在埋怨哪一种害处,只觉得害处很多。丽迪雅这种放荡不羁、无法无天的性格,确实对我们体面攸关,一定会影响到我们的社会地位。我说话爽直,千万要请你原谅。好爸爸,你得想办法管教管教她这种撒野的脾气,叫她明白,不能够一辈子都这样到处追逐,否则她马上就要无可救药了。一旦她的性格定型以后,就难得改过来。她才不过十六岁,就成了一个十足的浪荡女子,弄得她自己和家庭都惹人笑话,而且她还轻佻浪荡到极端下贱无耻的地步。她只不过年纪还轻,略有几分姿色,此外就一无可取。她愚昧无知,头脑糊涂,只知道搏得别人爱慕,结果到处叫人看不起。吉蒂也有这种危险。丽迪雅要她东就东,西就西。她既无知,又爱虚荣,生性又懒惰,完全是没有一点家教的样子!哎哟,我的好爸爸呀,她们随便走到什么地方,只要有人认识她们,她们就会受人指责,受人轻视,还时常连累到她们的姐姐们也丢脸,难道你还以为不会这样吗?”


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