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[晨韵英语] 晨韵推荐:【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第四十一章(1)

发表于 2013-7-16 09:40:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 左耳@一块洞 于 2015-8-4 13:09 编辑 <br /><br />   THE first week of their return was soon gone. The second began. It was the last of the regiment's stay in Meryton, and all the young ladies in the neighbourhood were drooping apace. The dejection was almost universal. The elder Miss Bennets alone were still able to eat, drink, and sleep, and pursue the usual course of their employments. Very frequently were they [w=reproach]reproached for this insensibility by Kitty and Lydia, whose own misery was extreme, and who could not comprehend such hard-heartedness in any of the family.她们回得家来,眨下眼睛就过了一个星期,现在已经开始过第二个星期。过了这个星期,驻扎在麦里屯的那个民兵团就要开拔了,附近的年轻小姐们立刻一个个垂头丧气起来。几乎处处都是心灰意冷的气象。只有班纳特家的两位大小姐照常饮食起居,照常各干各的事。可是吉蒂和丽迪雅已经伤心到极点,便不由得常常责备两位姐姐冷淡无情。她们真不明白,家里怎么竟会有这样没有心肝的人!
     "Good Heaven! What is to become of us! What are we to do!" would they often exclaim in the bitterness of woe. "How can you be smiling so, Lizzy?"她们老是无限悲痛地嚷道:“老天爷呀!我们这一下还成个什么样子呢?你还好意思笑得出来,丽萃?”
     Their affectionate mother shared all their grief; she remembered what she had herself endured on a similar occasion, five and twenty years ago.她们那位慈祥的母亲也跟了她们一块儿伤心;她记起二十五年以前,自己也是为着差不多同样的事情,忍受了多少苦痛。
     "I am sure," said she, "I cried for two days together when Colonel Millar's regiment went away. I thought I should have broke my heart."她说:“我一点儿没记错,当初米勒上校那一团人调走的时候,我整整哭了两天。我简直似碎了。”
     "I am sure I shall break mine," said Lydia.“我相信我的心是一定要碎的,”丽迪雅说。
     "If one could but go to Brighton!" observed Mrs. Bennet.“要是我们能上白利屯去,那多么好!”班纳特太太说。
     "Oh, yes! -- if one could but go to Brighton! But papa is so disagreeable."“对啊───如果能上白利屯去多么好!可是爸爸偏偏要作对。”
     "A little sea-bathing would set me up for ever."“洗一洗海水浴就会使我一辈子身体健康。”
     "And my aunt Philips is sure it would do me a great deal of good," added Kitty.“腓力普姨母也说,海水浴一定会对我的身体大有好处。”吉蒂接着说。
     Such were the kind of [w=lamentation]lamentations [w=resound]resounding perpetually through Longbourn-house. Elizabeth tried to be diverted by them; but all sense of pleasure was lost in shame. She felt anew the justice of Mr. Darcy's objections; and never had she before been so much disposed to pardon his interference in the views of his friend.浪搏恩这家人家的两位小姐,就是这样没完没结地长吁短叹。伊丽莎白想把她们笑话一番,可是羞耻心打消了她一切的情趣。她重新又想到达西先生的确没有冤枉她们,他指出她们的那些缺陷确是事实,她深深感觉到,实在难怪他要干涉他朋友和吉英的好事。
     But the gloom of Lydia's prospect was shortly cleared away; for she received an invitation from Mrs. Forster, the wife of the Colonel of the regiment, to accompany her to Brighton. This invaluable friend was a very young woman, and very lately married. A resemblance in good humour and good spirits had recommended her and Lydia to each other, and out of their three months' acquaintance they had been intimate two.但是丽迪雅的忧郁不多一会就烟消云散,因为弗斯脱团长的太太请她陪她一块儿到白利屯去。这位贵友是位很年轻的夫人,新近才结婚的。她跟丽迪雅都是好兴致,好精神,因此意气相投:虽然才只三个月的友谊,却已经做了两个月的知已。


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